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Evaluating Irrigation Systems
Evaluating Irrigation Systems
1.00 TCEQ Credit Hours Evaluating Irrigation Systems Most sprinkler performance problems are based in hydraulic causes. When hydraulics is ignored, hours are wasted chasing solutions that do not fix the problem, leading to lower profits and...
Locating Ground Faults (1 hr)
Locating Ground Faults (1 hr)
IA-1 credit, TCEQ -1 credit (if you are taking this course for TCEQ credit please make sure to print and sign the TCEQ ITT acknowledgment form and mail it to olga@irritechtraining.com) Course Objectives: 1. Understand the parts and how the...
Retrofitting Sprinklers to Microirrigation
Retrofitting Sprinklers to Microirrigation
1.5 TCEQ Credit Hours Converting Sprinklers to Microirrigation Making the conversion from a zone of traditional sprinklers to microirrigation can seem complicated with all the different components available. This course will review the common...
The Essentials of Irrigation Scheduling
The Essentials of Irrigation Scheduling
1.5 TCEQ Credit Hours The Essentials of Irrigation Scheduling Creating an irrigation schedule that is good for the plants and efficient with the resources takes more than running the sprays for 15 minutes and the rotors for 45 minutes three...
The Hydraulics of Adding or Changing Sprinklers
The Hydraulics of Adding or Changing Sprinklers
1.5 TCEQ Credits The Hydraulics of Adding or Changing Sprinklers Adding more sprinklers or changing sprinkler nozzles can seem like a good solution to fixing dry spots or other coverage issues. But it can make the coverage worse, not better. ...
Troubleshooting Sprinkler Coverage
Troubleshooting Sprinkler Coverage
1.0 TCEQ Credit Hour Troubleshooting Sprinkler Coverage Sprinkler coverage issues can be the number one cause of customer cancellations because it affects the look of the landscape. This course uses real-life examples and the science of...
Troubleshooting Today's Technology for the Irrigation Technician (2 hrs)
Troubleshooting Today's Technology for the Irrigation Technician (2 hrs)
This course qualifies for 2 IA continuing education credits and 2 TCEQ credits. (if you are taking this course for TCEQ credit please make sure to print and sign the TCEQ ITT acknowledgment form and mail it to olga@irritechtraining.com) Today,...
Wire Tracking and Valve Locating (2 hrs)
Wire Tracking and Valve Locating (2 hrs)
IA- 2 credits, TCEQ - 2 Credits Course Objectives: * Understand the parts and how the trackers operate * Properly set up and use the trackers * Apply different techniques to be productive and effective using these tools.

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